is for all those who want to engage themselves, in real time, with helping Ron Fisher in his campaign for Prince George's County Council, District 9 ... as well as for the people whom he will serve.
Get involved and sign up for the newsletter! Also, check out our Forums, where you can post a question and Ron will answer you directly! To sign up, Click Here!
Candidates vying for the District 9 seat of the Prince George's County Council gathered Wednesday to address Marlton residents' concerns about the lack of attention paid to south county by officials in the past.
The forum, hosted by the Community Associations of Marlton, marked the first time all seven candidates who have filed to date - Carol Acree of Upper Marlboro, Tamara Davis Brown of Clinton, Ron Fisher of Brandywine, Mel Franklin of Marlton, Sydney Harrison of Upper Marlboro, Juanita Miller of Clinton and Catherine Taggart-Ross of Clinton - spoke together. [Read More | Click Here]
During a forum Wednesday night for candidates running for the District 9 seat of the Prince George's County Council, Croom resident Brian Young told the candidates he respected their pledges to preserve the county's southeastern rural tier, but he wanted more. [Read More | Click Here]
Ron Fisher of Brandywine said he is only taking contributions from community members and local businesses, and would scrutinize future development plans to make sure they were in the best interest of residents ... [Read More | Click Here]
Brandywine resident and community advocate Ron Fisher said he decided to run for the Prince George's County Council District 9 seat after realizing that he could do more for his community ... [Read More | Click Here]
Prince George's County government offices, with the exception of public safety agencies, will be closed on Monday, September 6, 2010, in observance of Labor Day.
Contact: Carol Terry | Public Information Officer | 301.883.5961
Upper Marlboro, MD - Prince George's County residents who wish to vote in the September 14, 2010 Gubernatorial Primary Election are reminded that the deadline for voter registration is 9 p.m. on Tuesday, August 24, 2010. This is also the deadline for voters to change their party affiliation before the primary election. Candidates are also reminded that the last day to order lists of registered and/or absentee voters is Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 9 p.m. [Read More | Click Here]
Largo, MD - The Prince George's County Yard Waste Composting Facility located at 6601 S.E. Crain Highway in Upper Marlboro will open on Saturday, August 7, 2010 from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to accept storm related brush and tree limbs free of charge. [Read More | Click Here]
Upper Marlboro, MD - Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson announced today that Prince George's County government was awarded second in the nation for using technology to achieve operating efficiencies and strategic objectives, amid the nation's current economic challenges.
Johnson said, while remaining committed to technology services throughout county government, digital services to citizens were expanded providing more prevalent opportunities for citizen engagement. [Read More | Click Here]
Beginning July 16th: The Next -Level Making a Difference Summer Program
Prince George's County Police District V
Surrattsville High School PTSA, Inc.
The District V Community Present
The Next -Level Making a Difference Summer Program
This engaging, inspiring and interactive program will teach youth age 12-15 how to prioritize, create a sense of balance and purpose in their lives and how to make positive life choices. The experience in this program will enable the participants to develop ideas and strategies that they will be able to implement in their lives that will not only make them better, stronger and more capable citizens, but will make them better, stronger more capable students!
This dynamic program will include group exercises and discussions on Bullying, Childhood Obesity, Internet Safety, Gang Intervention, Snitching, Drug Prevention and being a Latchkey Child. Participants will also take part in creating a wall mural and replanting a flower garden at the District V station.
The Next-Level Making a Difference Summer Program will meet every Friday, beginning July 16 and will continue through August 20, 2010
The District V Prince George's County Police Department
6707 Groveton Drive, Clinton, Maryland
From 6 pm to 9 pm
The program will be facilitated and staffed by sworn law enforcement officers with assistance from community and youth volunteers and leaders.
Are you ready for your child to go to the next level? If so, contact us now for more information!
Perry Point Maryland 21902: Attend this job fair with an open mind and have in your possession both a chronological and a skill set oriented functional type resume. Submit the correct resume according to the needs of the employer and your one on one discussion with them at the Job Fair. For more, Click Here
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue is currently accepting applications for the position of Firefighter/Rescuer Recruit I. Applications must be received by June 30, 2010. To apply online, please Click Here for the application.
If you have specific questions regarding the recruiting process please leave a message on our recruiting line at 240.777.2238
If you have a Spanish speaker that wants more information, please contact Captain Thomas Foster at 240.773.8923 ... we need to increase the pool of Spanish speaking candidates for this vital position to our community, so please spread the word. For more, Click Here
The Prince George's County Department of Family Services will host a Domestic Violence Conference Thursday, June 24, 2010, at the Harriet Hunter Building in Camp Springs, MD. The purpose of the event is to bring together community resources and engage the community with best practices. For more, Click Here
Prince George's County Government along with NBC4, PNC Bank, Shred-it and the Prince George's Community College will host the NBC4 Safe and Secure Community Shred on June 19, 2010. This is the fourth time the County has sponsored this free shredding event. For more, Click Here
Lunch and early dinner seatings (5-6:30pm)
Join in the family foodie fun of DC's newest summer culinary tradition, Washington, DC Restaurant Week for Kids.
From June 20-27, dozens of restaurants throughout DC will cater to families by serving special children's menus during lunch and early dinner seatings (between 5 PM-6:30 PM). Kids 11 and under pay their age, with purchase of adult entree.
Designed to promote healthy eating, culinary awareness and family connections, Restaurant Week for Kids is produced by Destination DC, the official convention and tourism corporation for Washington, DC.
For a list of participating restaurants, Click Here
The Prince George's County Department of Environmental Resources' Animal Management Group (AMG) will celebrate national Adopt-a-Cat Month in June in recognition of the American Humane Association's national campaign. In support of this effort, AMG will offer discounted fees for cats and kittens throughout the month of June. [Read More | Click Here]
Floods are America's #1 natural disaster and can happen anytime, anywhere. In fact, 90% of all natural disasters in the U.S. involve flooding. June is the start of a six-month period commonly known as "hurricane season." While hurricanes are not common occurrences in Prince George's County, the severe weather conditions that occur during hurricane season, such as tropical storms, violent winds and heavy rains, can cause flooding which threatens lives, and damages property and structures. [Read More | Click Here]
Prince George's County government offices, with the exception of public safety agencies, will be closed on Monday, May 31, 2010 in observance of Memorial Day. [Read More | Click Here]
May 22, 2010 | Free Information Fair for Veterans Benefits
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Richard Henson Center
Princess Anne, MD 21853
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Anytime between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.
Veterans and their families may stop in anytime between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. to collect information on the benefits and services offered to Maryland veterans by federal, state, local and nonprofit organizations. For more information: Call: 410-260-3838 Email:
MDVA will have a Veterans Benefit Specialist available to assist with filing claims for disability and compensation. A Veterans Analyst from Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) will be on hand to answer questions regarding GI Bill education benefits, including the new Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill. Representatives from other state agencies, Veteran Service Organizations, Veteran Employment Representatives and members of local community organizations will also be present to provide information on their various veterans programs.
With the launch of the county's Summer Youth Employment Initiative last summer, 2,000 students between the ages of 14 and 21 were employed in Ron Fisher: Summer Youth Employment Program private and public sector jobs ... [Read More | Click Here]