
Hacked by Apathy

March 25, 2022 / Xavier Parker

Far too often you find people ignoring basic security protection practices, and this can lead to catastrophic results. The town of Plainfield just recently learned this when an employee clicked on a link in an email and got hit with
a ransomware attack. Fortunately, they are now making the investment and moving forward with good security practices. However, in hindsight
they should have had valid backups that were tested for restoration in 2 locations. In addition, they should invest in next generation AV such as
EDR or better yet MDR (Managed Detection and Response). What we also see here is that end user security awareness training could have prevented this. When people get trained on the latest attack trends, it prevents them to an extent.
Its people, process, and technology. No one solution or band aid can prevent this but a few defenses could have squashed it. So now they were entirely without their systems for almost two whole days. This made it so people had to actually return to doing things the old fashioned way. During that time people paid their taxes in person with cash at the town hall and
police had to be contacted through Quinebaug Valley’s police department.

It’s imperative that surrounding towns and individuals put more focus on security as attacks like this hit closer and closer to home. If you are ready to protect yourself contact us at 860-556-9511 or